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Telemedicine in Rheumatology

Telemedicine in Rheumatology

In the modern world, telemedicine is becoming more and more popular, especially among the chronically ill. Rheumatology patients can especially benefit from telemedicine due to their limited access to rheumatologists geologically and their limited mobility. While...
Maternal RA Increases Risk in Offspring

Maternal RA Increases Risk in Offspring

Research has shown that children born to mothers with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) could be more susceptible to certain diseases, including RA itself.   For those unfamiliar with the disease, rheumatoid arthritis is a painful joint condition, occurring when the...
Here’s What The Same Arthritis Drug Costs In Different Countries

Here’s What The Same Arthritis Drug Costs In Different Countries

In the wake of the much-publicized drug price hikes of common prescriptions such as Mylan’s Epipen and Turing’s Daraprim, patients and doctors alike have been scratching their heads about why drug prices keep increasing. Some reasons may be the rise of the cost of...